A & A Marketing LLP is happy and grateful to receive your patronage for Takato Dry Cleaners. Dry-cleaning and Laundry is an effort to remove soil and stains from your garments and linen while ensuring no damage occurs due to shrinkage, loss of colour, rips and tears or other.
However, in rare circumstances despite our best efforts and care, it is possible that either your garment may not come out completely free of soil or stain or worse the garment may suffer damage. So in all humility, let us state that while we will take every possible care and have the best of intentions:
Registered Address:- LIN/CIN : AAB-5353, A & A Marketing Alliance LLP, Shoe Niketan Office Services, 1405 Navjivan Commercial Building 03. DB Marg, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400 008, India.